Case Study
Subscription Services Creative Testing

How a Floral Company Tested Creatives

2 Min Read

A/B (and C/D/E/F…) testing is encouraged across all marketing channels. Once a brand becomes an expert in a channel, it’s easy – and fun – to test several aspects of a marketing campaign. In performance direct mail, testing can be across audiences, models, offers, timing, creatives, etc. One of the most fun areas to A/B test is creative, where you start to get a glimpse by testing over campaigns to see if your audience prefers product or lifestyle images. That’s exactly what many long-time Postie clients do regularly. Read on to see just one example of an A/B creative test.

The Challenge

A long-time user of direct mail, this floral delivery and subscription company tested two creatives during a prospecting campaign to see which would knock it out of the park.​

The Solution

The brand tested two creatives across the same audience with a 50/50 split in reach and revenue. Both creatives had the same offer; Creative A had a product-focused creative with a more serious tone, Creative B was a lifestyle creative with a cheekier message. ​

The Results

  • Both creatives performed well, proving the prospecting audience selected was appropriate
  • Creative A outperformed across all metrics, but only by a small margin
Out of this World Results


ROAS Across both creatives


AOV Across both creatives

Postie Features Used
Get Creative Insights
Access aggregate creative analytics by industry, topic and theme. Gain insights into creative best practices that drive higher KPI's. (Beta)
Benchmark Your Performance
Evaluating account industry, campaign type and seasonality, among other variables, Postie benchmarks your results with similar Direct Mail campaigns. (Beta)
See Results in Real-Time
See campaign performance and results in real-time through customizable KPI dashboards. Toggle views to gain further insights into top performing audiences, creative and consumer personas.
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