Retail Media Networks Full Funnel

Retail Media Networks and Performance Direct Mail

8 Min Read
by Amanda Boughey

Retail Media Networks (RMNs) allow brands to leverage retailer’s first-party data to deliver highly targeted and personalized advertising campaigns. RMNs have the means to boost brand awareness and drive significant sales growth. A prime example is 7-Eleven’s use of first-party data in their RMN, which effectively promoted C4 energy drinks, resulting in a 7% sales lift and introducing 33% of buyers to the brand for the first time. 

Performance direct mail works alongside RMNs by using data insights to pinpoint potential loyal customers. Brands with these insights can craft messages that resonate with customers’ needs and interests. This approach builds stronger connections, leads to higher conversion rates, and creates a steady stream of potential lifelong customers.

Integrating RMNs with performance direct mail is the ultimate combination for precision targeting, enhancing overall marketing effectiveness. This combined approach broadens your reach and deepens customer engagement across more marketing channels than digital-only RMNs. Let’s explore how these combined efforts can elevate your marketing game to new heights.

The Importance of Marketing Channel Diversification in RMNs

Diversifying marketing channels boosts success. Campaigns using four or more marketing channels are more likely to outperform single and dual-campaign campaigns by around 300%. This effectiveness stems from the ability to reach consumers through various touchpoints, reinforcing the brand message and engaging a wider audience.

While it’s not a groundbreaking strategy, it’s one that proves successful over time. Think of diversification like your financial investments; you wouldn’t put all your money in one stock. The same goes for marketing. By spreading your strategies across various channels, you minimize risks and maximize your chances to connect with different consumer segments.

Stability is the saving grace here: if one channel falters, like a social media platform changing its algorithm, a diversified approach ensures your other channels can compensate. This scenario played out in 2013 with Google’s Hummingbird update, which aimed to better understand search queries. Consequently, it altered search results, disrupting businesses reliant on specific keyword strategies. By contrast, a diversified marketing strategy maintains continuity and resilience. 

It’s also a strategic move, as each channel plays a unique role in a robust marketing approach. For instance, digital ads can grab attention quickly and at scale, social media can engage and build community, and direct mail can provide a tangible, personalized touch, with 100% attribution, that digital channels lack. Together, these channels create a more resilient marketing ecosystem that thrives amid changing conditions.

Ultimately, diversifying which channels fit within an RMN strategy leads to more consistent performance and deeper consumer connections. 

Why Direct Mail Should be Part of Retail Media Networks

Amidst all our digital media, direct mail is a breath of fresh air. Its physical presence stands out amid overflowing inboxes and flashing online ads. Direct mail hangs around. It sits on your desk, and gets passed around — it maintains a presence in the physical world that adds a unique dimension to your marketing mix. 

The stats are compelling — 67% of recipients keep a mailer from a retail brand for at least one to two days, 46% hold onto it for a week, and 17% save it for up to two weeks.

Comparisons between direct mail and purely digital strategies reveal a few things. Direct mail targets specific demographics with tailored messages that feel more relevant and engaging, which often leads to better response rates and higher ROI.

And these claims aren’t just theory — there’s solid data backing them up. Take, for example, a study that showed direct mail having a response rate up to five to nine times higher than email. In the context of RMNs, integrating direct mail has led to significant boosts in customer retention and acquisition. More than 70% of people like receiving mail offers that reward their loyalty. Another case showed that direct mail campaigns prompt 39% of consumers to try a business for the first time.

What Brands in Retail Media Networks Want

Consider what brands truly want from RMNs. Beyond broadening their reach, they aim to make meaningful connections that drive results. Let’s break down what’s on the wishlist for brands using RMNs:

  • Diverse marketing channels: Brands are increasingly seeking out RMNs that offer a mix of digital and physical advertising options. Different channels resonate with different audiences. A digital ad might catch one customer’s eye, while a piece of direct mail might hit home with another. This diversity enhances their reach and engagement with their target market.
  • Data-driven insights: Brands crave networks that provide robust analytics and insights. They want to know who is engaging with their ads, how they’re interacting, and what’s driving conversions. This data is crucial for refining strategies and ensuring that marketing efforts are as effective as possible. Luckily, performance direct mail analytics rivals those available across digital channels.
  • Integration capabilities: Brands look for RMNs that can seamlessly integrate with their other marketing tools and channels. This integration creates a unified marketing strategy that is consistent across all platforms. Performance direct mail can integrate with the best of them.
  • Personalization opportunities: With RMNs, personalization is key. Brands are especially keen on networks that allow for targeted messaging, which direct mail excels at. Sending a personalized postcard or brochure can make consumers feel valued and more likely to engage with the brand.

By understanding and addressing these desires, RMNs can make themselves indispensable partners to brands looking to maximize their marketing impact. Direct mail, with its unique set of advantages, fulfills these needs and should not be overlooked in any comprehensive marketing strategy.

The Unique Advantages of Performance Direct Mail

Performance direct mail is like the high-tech cousin of traditional mail. It blends the personal touch of receiving something physical in the mail with the data-driven tactics of digital marketing. Brands base each piece of mail on detailed consumer data and measure its impact to ensure effectiveness. Brands are falling in love with this approach because direct mail: 

  • Enables precision targeting: By using detailed data analytics, direct mail can be customized to suit the preferences and behaviors of individual recipients.
  • Offers measurable results: Track and measure the success of each mailing. This process isn’t always possible with traditional direct mail, but with performance direct mail, brands can see clear metrics, such as response rates, conversion rates, and ROI.
  • Creates a tangible connection: The physical aspect of direct mail creates a tangible connection that digital ads can’t match. It stands out in the daily digital clutter and makes a lasting impression, leading to higher engagement and recall rates.

When combined with digital strategies, performance direct mail amplifies marketing efforts, making it an indispensable tool for brands.

Optimizing Direct Mail Campaigns Within Your RMN

Direct mail capabilities can be a game-changer in your retail media network if you use them wisely. Let’s dive into some strategies for optimizing direct mail campaigns within your RMN:

  • Data is your friend: Use the data you gather from online interactions to tailor your direct mail. This data could include browsing behavior, purchase history, or interactions with previous mail campaigns.
  • Test and learn: Just like in digital campaigns, testing different versions of your mail (A/B testing) can reveal what resonates best with your audience. Whether it’s the design, the message, or the offer itself, don’t hesitate to tweak it based on feedback.
  • Timing is key: Coordinate your mail drops with online campaigns to create a cohesive marketing message. If you have a big online sale coming up, send a mail teaser a few days before to generate excitement and guide traffic to your online channels.

To make your direct mail campaigns really stand out, start by following these proven strategies. Implementing them guarantees a strong connection with your audience, boosting engagement and conversions.

Leveraging Direct Mail Insights for Retail Media Network Success

Creating a successful RMN requires meeting the needs of both brands and their customers. Integrate insights gained from direct mail campaigns into your digital strategy to enhance campaign effectiveness, recapture lost sales, and foster personal connections that digital channels often miss.

Future Trends in Direct Mail and RMNIntegration

We’re seeing a move towards even more personalized and timely mail pieces, driven by real-time data. Imagine the impact of receiving a direct mail piece just a day or two after showing interest in a product online. Additionally, due to high inflation, brands are motivated to streamline their direct mail processes to reduce costs while maximizing reach. These changes are making campaigns more economically feasible and also enhancing overall return on investment.

Direct mail can significantly boost RMN reach and effectiveness by making sure each customer interaction is personalized, impactful, and, most importantly, welcomed. To stay on top, you’ll want to keep up with these advancements and continuously tweak your approach. This strategy will help you meet and even exceed what brands and consumers expect.

Elevate your marketing with the power of Retail Media Networks and Performance Direct Mail. Postie’s advanced data-driven approach ensures campaigns are precise, measurable, and impactful, bridging the gap between digital and physical marketing. Partner with Postie today and see how our innovative solutions can drive your brand’s growth and engagement to new heights.

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