Culture Team Postie

Meet the Postie: Bryce Frye

7 Min Read
by Amanda Boughey

Welcome back to our Meet the Postie series. Each month I sit down with a fellow member of the Postie team to ask them questions about work, life, and everything in between. These posts are loaded with relatable stories, tips on stress management and work/life balance, fun photos, and more. Last month we sat down with Jess Chiero, a concert loving rockstar on our sales team. This month you get to meet Bryce Frye, a long-standing member of our engineering team! Bryce loves travel, his family, and appreciates the small details in life. Let’s dive…

Name: Bryce Frye
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Team: Engineering
How long you’ve worked at Postie: Since early 2017
Favorite Food: Pho and pickles (not together)
If you could travel to space, who would you take with you: My daughter

What inspired you to join Postie?

I was drawn to the founders’ vision. Jonathan shared the idea with me when the company was still in its early stages, and both his and Dave’s passion and direction really resonated with me. Having worked with them before, I had complete trust and confidence in their leadership.

What do you love most about your job?

It’s never dull. There’s always something new and exciting to tackle, which keeps things interesting.

What are you most proud of, professionally, since joining Postie?

Being part of Postie from the beginning has been incredibly rewarding. Watching the company grow and evolve into what it is today has been a truly fulfilling professional experience, and I’m proud to have played a role in that journey.

Tell us something about your professional development journey.

In college, I had no clear idea of what I wanted to do afterward. During my senior year, a friend introduced me to programming, and we teamed up on a project. That was my “aha” moment. While I finished my sociology degree, I also dove into learning programming, which changed my career path.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced since joining Postie?

The thing I love most about the job—the variety and the opportunity to problem solve—can also be a challenge. It keeps me on my toes, but it’s not always easy to balance.

What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

Always keep an open mind and trust the people you work with. Collaboration and flexibility are key to success.

How has your role evolved since joining Postie?

Since I joined early on, my role has evolved quite a bit. In the early days, it was the classic startup experience—lots of hats, lots of hustle. There’s still a lot of hustle, but as the team has grown, it’s been great to have a solid group to collaborate with and rely on. It’s been exciting to see the company develop!

Where do you think you can have the biggest impact in your role?

I love tackling tough problems and thinking outside the box. I enjoy working through challenges from different angles to find creative solutions.

What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned from working with the team?

Trust people. When we all lean into our strengths and trust each other to do our best work, we function so much better as a team.

What’s your favorite memory from working at Postie?

I’d have to say the company meetups. Working remotely is great, but it can sometimes feel isolating, so getting together in person with the team always feels special and energizing.

Do you have any strategies for dealing with stress at work?

Going for walks is my go-to stress reliever. I also have a full-size basketball arcade game that my wife won on The Price Is Right. It’s a great way to clear my head when I need a break.

What tips or advice would you give someone starting a new job in your field?

Seek out smart people and maintain a mindset of continuous learning. Surrounding yourself with knowledgeable colleagues is invaluable, and staying curious and open to new ideas will help you grow and adapt.

What industry changes or trends do you think will have the biggest impact?

Advances in AI and machine learning come to mind immediately. While we’re seeing a lot of new tools and services from these technologies, some feel more like novelties that are fun to play with but not always practical. I’m fortunate to work somewhere that’s using this cutting-edge technology in ways that make a real, positive difference.

Do you have any mentors (Postie or otherwise) you’d like to shout out? If so, who and how has this person made an impact in your life?

I’ve been fortunate to learn from many people along the way. Our CTO, Jonathan, has been a great mentor since I first started in the industry. And I have to give a shout-out to one of my best friends, Arthur, who introduced me to programming in the first place.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love to travel and explore new places. Whenever I visit somewhere new, I plan out walks or runs and research nearby hiking trails. It’s a great way to experience the local scenery you might otherwise miss.

What would your perfect weekend look like?

Lately, weekends have been so busy that a relaxing one with absolutely nothing on the schedule sounds pretty perfect. Either that, or an all-expenses-paid tropical island vacation. Actually, better make that a long weekend!

What’s something surprising that not many people know about you?

I’m a pretty reserved and introverted person, so it surprises people to learn that I’ve been in several plays and commercials. Most were when I was younger, and they were small or background roles, but it was a fun experience!

Do you follow any sports teams?

Not really, but I do enjoy going to live games with people, and I love watching the Olympics. I’m especially excited that the Olympics will be here in LA in four years.

What type of books/movies do you enjoy?

I tend to end up reading educational books, but I love to nerd out with a good sci-fi or fantasy novel when I get the chance. As for movies, I watch just about anything. My wife and I have a weekly virtual movie night with a friend in Texas, and we watch everything from Oscar winners to old favorites and cult classics. We started it during the Covid lockdown, and it’s become a fun tradition.

Do you have any creative outlets or interests?

I’m lucky that work allows me to be creative with programming and problem-solving. Outside of work, my family loves Lego. We have a few bins of assorted pieces, and my daughter loves to dump them out so we can build whatever we can dream up.

What’s a cause you are passionate about?

I’m passionate about the impact of small, everyday acts of service and kindness. Even the simplest gestures can make a significant difference in people’s lives. It’s the small things that often add up to create meaningful change.

What’s something you’ve always wanted to try/learn?

I’ve always wanted to learn to draw or play an instrument. My wife is amazing at both, but unfortunately, I’m tone-deaf and banned from playing Pictionary!

What is the best thing that has happened to you this year?

Honestly, this year has been tough. My family suffered a major loss earlier in the year, but it’s brought us closer together, and coming through it has made us stronger. It reminded us to be grateful for what we have and to celebrate the small victories that truly matter.

What is something that you are proud of about yourself?

I’d have to say I’m most proud of my daughter. Watching her grow up has been such an amazing experience.

If you could pick any superpower, what would it be and why?

Teleportation. I’ve got friends and family spread out all over the world, and being able to visit them anytime without the hassle of travel would be amazing.

That was fun! With that, I’ll see you all next time! 🚀

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