'Tis the Season to Go Postie

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Postie is the leading end-to-end
direct mail campaign platform,
steeped in data science and purpose-built
for empowering marketers with smarter
targeting, simpler execution and stronger
measurement. DTC brands and retailers
have run more than 33,000 campaigns
with Postie with an average ROAS of 1,382%.

What's inside?
Holidays can be the most cheerful time of year or nightmare fuel, and it all comes down to if your marketing campaigns perform, or tank.

If they perform, then you're promotion is secured and you'll be the talk of the holiday dinner table. If not, you'll have to spend another holiday season listening to everyone gush over Todd and how great he is, again. Gross. 🤢

In an act of selfless resolve to our fellow marketers, we're releasing our new and improved 2024 direct mail holiday guide.

This is what you'll take away and apply directly to your campaigns, to put Todd in his place:

- 2023 historic CRM and Prospecting campaign look-backs (so you can get a glimpse at your potential performance)
- Projected 2024 holiday trends to keep your eyes on (hint: election messaging has the potential to influence buying sentiment)
- How to message to discerning buyers due to economic uncertainty (see above 'hint')
- And lastly, a breakdown of when to begin testing so your campaigns launch at the right time (remember attribution windows in DM are longer than other channels)

If you're looking for a resource to get the analytical and creative juices flowing to launch performant holiday campaigns, this is a good place to start.